Union Mountainbike Club Koppl +43 680 341951 mtb@koppl.bike

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Enjoy your time because you only live now and today. Tomorrow you can't make up for yesterday and later comes sooner than you think!
Albert Einstein

After Race Party @ Nockstein Trophy

Info: A successful competition also includes an award ceremony. Since we celebrate the final race of season of the Austria Youngsters Cup and the Mountainbike Liga Austria, make sure you keep the night from Saturday to Sunday free! We would also like to celebrate our 25th club anniversary with you. We look forward welcoming you to our party!
When: Saturday, September 21, 2024 from 5:00 p.m
Where: To be defined Why: The end of season race of the Austria Youngsters Cup and the Mountainbike Liga Austria
Catering: Everything from vegan to meat (see link)
DJ: Ntony
